Millman Lab news
News items for Millman Lab
Acquisition of Dynamic Function in Human Stem Cell-Derived β Cells
January 17, 2019
This is Leo’s first research article! Congratulations to him and the rest of the team!
Arvind Srivatsava defends his MS thesis
May 8, 2019
Congratulations to Arvind Srivatsava for defending his Biomedical Engineering Master’s Thesis on the microfluidic assessment of stem cell-derived beta cells!
Dr. Jeffrey Millman was interviewed
February 10, 2015
Dr. Jeffrey Millman was interviewed in an article published by The Pharmaceutical Journal entitled “Making β cells in the laboratory”.
Dr. Jeffrey Millman’s research
December 19, 2014
Dr. Jeffrey Millman’s research making stem cell-derived β cells was named one of the top 10 breakthroughs of 2014 by Science Magazine
Dr. Millman featured on The Stem Cell Podcast
December 19, 2018
Dr. Millman was featured on The Stem Cell podcast this week to discuss his research with human pluripotent stem cells for use in cellular replacement therapy and drug screening. Millman discusses two of the biggest scientific challenges in beta cell transplantation: protecting transplants from auto immunity and rejection; and being able to deliver a therapeutic enough dose of cells that can thrive despite the threat of hypoxia and cell death. Dr. Millman’s interview starts about 29 minutes into the podcast.
Dr. Millman issued a new patent
September 20, 2016
Dr. Millman issued a new patent entitled “Method for differentiating human embryonic stem cells into β-cells for treatment of type I diabetes”, patent number 9,447,378.
Dr. Millman issued a new patent
July 12, 2016
Dr. Millman issued a new patent entitled “Methods and compositions for increased safety of stem cell-derived populations”, patent number 9,388,381.