Division of Endocrinology Conferences

Endocrinology, Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes Seminar Series

Thursdays, 10:00 am – 11:30 am
728 Southwest Tower
This conference begins with a clinical presentation and discussion each week.
There is a Journal Club presentation or a Research Seminar on alternating
weeks. Research seminars are assigned to senior faculty (with the option of
having their fellows present their work) within or without the Metabolism Group.
This slot is also used for speakers visiting from other institutions (including Diabetes Research Center seminar speakers).


CME Online

Multidisciplinary Gender-Affirming Care Conference

One Thursday every other month, 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Zoom — please email Dr. Herrick for calendar invitation and Zoom link

This conference is an opportunity for individuals from across the multitude of specialties involved in gender affirming care to meet and discuss challenging cases.  Typically 2-3 cases are discussed in a conference and sessions are sometimes focused around a particular subspecialty or theme.  Participants often include representation from primary care, endocrinology (pediatric and adult), adolescent medicine, gynecology, plastic surgery, urology, speech therapy, ENT, psychology, psychiatry, dermatology, and infectious disease.  Trainees welcome!

Summer Teaching Sessions

Thursdays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
728 Southwest Tower

An interdisciplinary training session required for adult endocrine fellows and optional for pediatric endocrine fellows.

For more information, contact Deirdre Johnson.

Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course

Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 pm
Southwest Tower, Room 728

This is a clinical lecture series targeted to postdoctoral fellows in endocrinology,
diabetes and metabolism, but open to students, residents and faculty. Its
speakers include faculty from various clinical departments.


Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Consult Rounds

Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Southwest Tower, Room 842

Dr. Semenkovich meets weekly with the consultation service — fellow,
resident(s), student(s).

Endocrine Case Conference

Thursdays, 9:00 am
728 SW Tower

This conference includes case presentations and discussion of one patient from
the adult and one patient from the pediatric endocrinology, diabetes and
metabolism groups. This conference is usually attended by Adult and Pediatric
Clinical Fellows.

Endocrine Tumor Conference

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 4:30 pm
Center for Outpatient Health, Room: 920
This is a joint case conference with the Endocrine Surgery Division, in concert
with endocrinology, radiology and pathology to discuss endocrine tumor cases.

Metabolic Bone Disease Case Conference

Fridays, 8:00 am
BJC Institute of Health Building, 11th Floor, Conference Room AB

This weekly conference reflects the appeal of skeletal investigation to the
Washington University community, as it comprises an interdisciplinary group of
clinicians, pathologists, radiologists and geneticists, as well as adult and pediatric
endocrine fellows, residents and medical students during elective rotations, and practitioners affiliated with Washington University interested in osteoporosis and
metabolic bone diseases. Typically, 2-3 patients are presented by faculty or

Contact Christina Grantham at granthamc@wustl.edu in the Division of Bone and
Mineral Diseases to be added to the weekly distribution list since conferences
may be cancelled when there are no cases to discuss.

Anterior Skull Base and Pituitary Conference

1st Wednesday of every month (September through May), 5:00-6:00 pm
5th floor McMillan Hospital Conference Room

This is a joint conference with the department of neurosurgery in which interesting
pituitary cases are presented and discussed.

Department of Medicine Conferences

Medical Grand Rounds

Includes other Department of Internal Medicine Conferences.


Graduate School – Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences Conferences

DBBS Seminars

The Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences compiles a seminar calendar
listing events of interest to student and faculty.


WashU School of Medicine Research Seminars
