Max Petersen, MD, PhD was awarded the Endocrine Fellows Foundation’s Fellow Research Grant. His research project, titled “Muscle bioactive lipids in metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity,” has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Endocrine Fellows Foundation. The grant is intended to cover research over a 1-year time span.
Each academic year, the Foundation awards a maximum of 18 research grants. Grants are reviewed by endocrinologists across the country, and all of the final decisions regarding the allocation of the grants are made by the Board of Directors of the EFF. Decisions are based on the quality and potential value of the research proposed, the applicant’s experience and enthusiasm, the institution, and the mentor.
Dr. Petersen joined the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research as a clinical fellow in July, 2020. His research interests include mechanisms of obesity, weight loss, and insulin resistance; metabolic fluxes.
Originally from the Chicago area, Dr. Petersen studied biochemistry and religion at Augustana College. He completed his MD and PhD at Yale; his graduate work investigated mechanisms of lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance. He completed his internal medicine residency in the physician-scientist pathway at Massachusetts General Hospital.