Salam and McGill compare continuous glucose monitor estimated HbA1c in diabetics 

On February 28, Maamoun Salam, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD, MA, FACP; and colleagues had their article titled, “A Comparison of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Estimated Hemoglobin A1c in Adults with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes,” published in volume 25, issue 3 of Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.  In their research, Drs. Salam, McGill and colleagues […]

Zhang and McGill offer an in-depth analysis on clinical guidelines for chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes 

In March, Rong Mei Zhang, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD, and colleagues had their journal article titled “Clinical implications and guidelines for CKD in type 2 diabetes,” published in Volume 38, Issue 3 of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.  Kidney disease is a complication of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and carries a high morbidity and mortality rate. […]

McGill receives ACP Samuel Eichold II Memorial Award for Contributions in Diabetes 

On April 27, Janet B. McGill, MD received the 2023 Samuel Eichold II Memorial Award for Contributions in Diabetes from the American College of Physicians during their annual Convocation ceremony in San Diego, California.  The award recognizes Dr. McGill’s research contributions, which have significantly improved the quality of care and clinical management of diabetes. Widely […]

McKee, McGill and Jones publish letter to the editor on insulin dosing safety 

In April, Alexis McKee, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD; and current fellow, Kai Jones, MD, had their letter to the editor titled “Insulin Dosing Safety in CKD,” published in volume 8, issue 4 of Kidney International Reports.  In the letter, the authors highlight a recent manuscript discussing the use of glucose-lowering agents for persons with […]

Drs. Krutilova, Markov, McGill and McKee publish manuscript on CGM interruption

On February 23, Petra Krutilova, MD; Alexander Markov, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD; Alexis McKee, MD; and previous fellow, Andrea Cedeno, MD had their research article titled “Interruption of CGM: Frequency and Adverse Consequences,” published by the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.  In this manuscript, they analyze the results of a survey completed by […]

McGill publishes evaluation of the MiniMed 670G HCL in a randomized controlled trial 

On January 1, Janet B. McGill, MD, MA, FACP, and collaborators had their work titled “Improved Glycemia with Hybrid Closed-Loop Versus Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial” published in “Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics.”  The focus was “to evaluate safety and effectiveness of MiniMed™ 670G hybrid closed loop (HCL) in comparison […]

McGill and Salam publish research on how continuous glucose monitoring reduces hypoglycemia 

On June 1, Janet B. McGill, MD, MA, FACP, Maamoun Salam, MD and colleagues has their work titled “Benefit of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Reducing Hypoglycemia Is Sustained Through 12 Months of Use among Older Adults with Type 1 Diabetes,” published in “Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics.”  In the study, they evaluate the Wireless Innovation for […]