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Crewe publishes research on the effects of cav1 on insulin-independent glucose uptake

In December, Clair Crewe, PhD and colleagues had their research titled “Deficient Caveolin-1 Synthesis in Adipocytes Stimulates Systemic Insulin-Independent Glucose Uptake via Extracellular Vesicles,” published in “Diabetes.” 

Within plasma membrane invaginations, is an essential structural and signaling component called cavelolin-1 (cav1). It is also abundantly found in adipocytes. Throughout the study, Crewe and collaborators analyze the relationship between cav1 and insulin-independent glucose.  

In gathering various data, they conclude that “ad-cav1 is essential for healthy adaptation of the adipose tissue to overnutrition and prevents aberrant propagation of neg-ative phenotypes to other organs by extracellular vesicles.” 

Deficient Caveolin-1 Synthesis in Adipocytes Stimulates Systemic Insulin-Independent Glucose Uptake via Extracellular Vesicles