Crewe publishes research on the effects of cav1 on insulin-independent glucose uptake

In December, Clair Crewe, PhD and colleagues had their research titled “Deficient Caveolin-1 Synthesis in Adipocytes Stimulates Systemic Insulin-Independent Glucose Uptake via Extracellular Vesicles,” published in “Diabetes.”  Within plasma membrane invaginations, is an essential structural and signaling component called cavelolin-1 (cav1). It is also abundantly found in adipocytes. Throughout the study, Crewe and collaborators analyze […]

Crewe publishes research on the effects of adipocyte mesenchymal transition on mammary tumors 

On September 13, 2022, Clair Crewe, PhD and colleagues had their work titled “Adipocyte mesenchymal transition contributes to mammary tumor progression,” published in “Cell Reports.”  “Obesity is associated with increased cancer incidence and progression.” There is a need for more research in understanding the mechanistic relationship between adiposity and cancer.  In the study, Crewe and […]