Our Actions 

The Division’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion taskforce was formed after a needs assessment survey conducted in August 2020 and is charged with crafting and proposing structural, process, and programming changes to division leadership to welcome, support, and promote all individuals within the division and all patients we serve.  Ongoing and future actions are outlined below, organized according to the School of Medicine’s multifaceted mission:   


  • Incorporating best practices to achieve equity in recruitment, hiring, evaluation, mentoring, promotion, and salaries 
  • Intentionally recruiting and mentoring a diverse faculty, fellows, and clinical and research staff  
  • Improving opportunities for ongoing input and communication throughout the division 
  • If you have concerns regarding diversity, equity and inclusion in your department, the preference is that such concerns be taken to a supervisor for immediate resolution. However, we recognize that this option may not always be available. In those circumstances, please feel free to contact the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team.
  • Helping School of Medicine members resolve conflicts Office of the Ombuds
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Allyship & Social Justice (IDEAS)


LGBTQmed – LGBTQ Med is the Washington University School of Medicine student-run interest group dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) identity and health.

OUTmed – OUTmed is a Department of Medicine sponsored organization that advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community.  Membership is comprised of faculty, trainees, residents, students, staff and allies.  Members from across the School of Medicine and Barnes Jewish Hospital are welcome to participate.  

PROUD-MED – The Program for Underrepresented in Medicine for Equity and Diversity (PROUD-MED) is an initiative supported by the ICTS and the Washington University School of Medicine to enhance underrepresented in medicine (URiM) faculty development by providing mentored clinical research training, dedicated Research Development Program resources, senior faculty support, and group mentorship as a community to integrate with institutional programs.


  • Training on implicit bias in healthcare 
  • Appreciating how historical trauma in healthcare and medical research lead to distrust of these systems among people of color, LGBTQIA+, and other vulnerable populations 
  • Fostering inclusion through recognition and celebration of different cultural traditions  
  • Women in Medicine – Supporting women in medicine is a key priority. Visit the link for a list of resources.

Patient care 

  • Understanding the role of social determinants of health, racism, sexism, and other intersecting identities in patients’ experience of care and ability to manage disease 
  • Aspiring to achieve equity and eliminate disparities in endocrine health outcomes 


Additional Resources

Affinity Groups

Campus Facilities & Resources

Division Internal Resources

Lactation Room Program