Thank you for your interest in our training program in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. Our program, which is one of the oldest and most successful in the country, is designed to provide research and in most instances clinical training to highly qualified individuals with interests in academic careers. The program is ranked among the nations top 10 training programs for this specialty.

Our Goal

The goal of our Program is to train academically oriented physicians and scientists in our discipline. While many of the graduates of our program will become primarily bench-oriented pre-clinical scientists, others will become primarily patient-oriented clinical scientists and some will become clinical consultants/educators in our subspecialty.

Our Objectives

  1. To provide each fellow with a substantive experience in biomedical research — bench-oriented, patient-oriented, or both.
  2. For those fellows seeking clinical subspecialty training, to provide substantive experiences in outpatient and inpatient clinical endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, coupled with didactic instruction, that prepares the fellow to function as an expert consultant in our subspecialty, and fulfills all ACGME and ABIM requirements.

If you have any questions about any aspect of our training program, we would be happy to discuss this with you on the phone. We also invite you to visit our Graduate Medical Education Consortium website. You may also want to visit FREIDA online (AMA)for further information about our program and others. We look forward to receiving your application.

Clay F. Semenkovich, M.D.
Division Chief

Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research