Julio V. Santiago, MD (1942‑1997)

JuJlio V. Santiago, MD

Julio V. Santiago, MD, FACP, was Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at WashU Medicine, Program Director of the Diabetes Research and Training Center, and Director of the Pediatric General Clinical Research Center and the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology. For over ten years Dr. Santiago served on the NIH’s special programs for supporting research centers in minority institutions and as a special advisor to his alma mater, the School of Medicine of the University of Puerto Rico. He also lectured extensively on issues related to Latino Health in North America. Dr. Santiago received his undergraduate degree cum laude from Manhattan College and his M.D. degree magna cum laude from the University of Puerto Rico, where he also completed his internship. After military service in Korea as a brigade surgeon during the Vietnam War, he went on to complete his residency in internal medicine at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. He then completed a fellowship in metabolism and endocrinology at WashU Medicine under Drs. David Kipnis and William Daughaday. Dr. Santiago was a fellow of the American College of Physicians, served as editor‑in‑chief of Diabetes, and was the author of over 200 research publications.

The Julio V. Santiago, MD
Memorial Lecture

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