Carmichael publishes article on diabetic eye disorders 

In August, Kim A. Carmichael, MD published a recent article in Issue 8 of “Consultant 360,” titled “How Do We Best Care for the Eyes of People With Diabetes?”  The most common eye disorders among those with diabetes are cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Cataracts is “2 to 5 times more likely to occur in adults with diabetes […]

Semenkovich and Rajagopal publish article on ‘fatty retina’ linking to vision loss in diabetes

Clay F. Semenkovich, MD and Rithwick Rajagopal, MD, PhD recently published an article in Lipid Maps titled, “’Fatty retina’ – A root cause of vision loss in diabetes?”  “Diabetes is a disease of broadly disordered metabolism that affects how cells handle lipids, amino acids and signaling networks that regulate growth and proliferation, in addition to […]