Salam and McGill compare continuous glucose monitor estimated HbA1c in diabetics 

On February 28, Maamoun Salam, MD; Janet B. McGill, MD, MA, FACP; and colleagues had their article titled, “A Comparison of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Estimated Hemoglobin A1c in Adults with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes,” published in volume 25, issue 3 of Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.  In their research, Drs. Salam, McGill and colleagues […]

McGill, Salam and McKee get first patient for clinical trial testing Biosense device for those with Type 1 Diabetes 

Washington University School of Medicine recently received a two-year grant of $360,000 from JDRF to fund research testing the efficacy of the Biosense handheld breath ketone monitor in persons with type 1 diabetes during care with insulin and with the addition of a sodium glucose transporter inhibitor drug.  Biosense is a non-invasive option to capillary […]

Salam selected for 2022-2023 Teaching Scholars Program cohort

On June 22, Maamoun Salam, MD was accepted into the Washington University School of Medicine 2022-2023 Teaching Scholars Program cohort. The 12-month certificate program is meant to develop future leaders in healthcare education by enhancing their knowledge and skills, and focusing on core components of educational scholarship and curriculum development. Dr. Salam began his medical […]