Lodhi, Millman, Remedi and Silverstein achieve full professorship 

Congratulations to Irfan Lodhi, PhD; Jeffrey R. Millman, PhD; Maria S. Remedi, PhD; and Julie M. Silverstein, MD of Washington University’s Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research on achieving full professorship in their scientific and medical careers! The doctors were proudly joined by their colleagues on Thursday, August 22 to honor and celebrate their […]

Stitham, Lodhi and colleagues reveal the mechanistic details of macrophage mTOR signaling in atherosclerosis

In June 2023, Jeremiah Stitham, MD, PhD; Irfan Lodhi, PhD and colleagues led by the corresponding author Babak Razani MD, PhD had their research article titled “Loss of Macrophage mTORC2 Drives Atherosclerosis via FoxO1 and IL-1β Signaling,” published by Circulation Research. “The mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) pathway is a complex signaling cascade that regulates […]

Lodhi serves as editor for a book on brown fat methods

On April 19, Springer Nature published “Thermogenic Fat: Methods and Protocol,” edited by Irfan Lodhi, PhD. The book is part of the Methods of Molecular Biology series.  The volume targets both beginners in the field and experts looking to expand their repertoire of skills. Consisting of twenty-one chapters, it presents a broad collection of state-of-the-art […]

Lodhi receives $2M grant to study mitochondrial dynamics in brown fat-mediated thermogenesis

Irfan Lodhi, PhD

Irfan Lodhi, associate professor of medicine at the School of Medicine, received a $1.95 million grant from the National Institute of Health for research titled “Mitochondrial dynamics and the control of adipose tissue thermogenesis.”  Targeting brown fat function to promote thermogenesis and increase energy expenditure is a promising strategy to treat obesity and the associated […]